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In Honor and Memory of Kathleen Kennedy, RN

Kathleen's dedication, compassion, and unwavering commitment to patient care touched countless lives and inspired many. Read her full Obituiary.

Claire M. Fagin, Powerful Advocate for Nurses and Nursing, Dies at 97

Claire M. Fagin, a pioneer in the nursing field, advocate, and catalyst for change, passed away at her home in Manhattan on Tuesday. She will be missed among the nursing community. Read her full obituary,...

Dr. Bridget Nettleton

It is with sincere sadness to say farewell to a fellow nurse who was an amazing mentor to many, M. Bridget Nettleton. Dr. Nettleton was well known in the nursing community for her knowledge, leadership, and wisdom....

Are you Concerned About the Lack of Nursing Faculty in the United States?

We invite you as an experienced nurse to participate in a Delphi study to review and endorse statements to potentially address the nursing faculty shortage. We are accepting participants until Feb 2, 2024. Go...

Welcome to the Center for Nursing

The Center for Nursing at the Foundation of New York State Nurses, Inc. is committed to supporting nurses and nursing students through mentoring, educational advancement, and promoting population-focused research and evidence-based practices to improve the knowledge and health care of individuals and communities in New York State.