Purpose Statement for CNH Advisory Council


The Center for Nursing History Advisory Council exists to promote the mission of the CNH. That mission is to acquire, preserve, and make available for research and public dissemination the history of nursing in New York State. The CNH Advisory Council exists to help ensure that the archives are maintained by qualified and educated professionals who help the repository to: meet the highest archive and research standards according to best archival and research practices; help increase the visibility of the availability of the research resources on the history of nursing maintained there; and ensure that the history of nursing, particularly in New York State, is more visible and readily available to nursing students, historians, and health professional, and to the general public as well.


We will accomplish our mission by the following goals and objectives:


  • Maintain Archival Quality
  • Review archival policies and procedures every two years in general or on an ad basis as new programs, new collections, new technology, new laws, archival standards or other circumstances.
  • Review ongoing professional archival educational opportunities
  • Increase the visibility of the CNH Archive
  • Outreach to historians and researchers
  • Outreach to nursing student groups and health professionals, alumni associations, and professional nursing organizations
  • Creating exhibits at the Center for Nursing
  • Creating exhibits for venues such as libraries, museums, etc.
  • Write and publish articles in historical/archival journals, publicize new exhibits opening at the Center for Nursing


Advisory Council Members

  • Juanita English, RN – Nurse; member-at-large from the community
  • Karl Felsen, PhD – Historian; Educator; member of the Albany County Historical Society
  • Kimberly Kunker, M.A., MSIS – Historian; Archivist; member-at-large from the community
  • Joan Madden Wilson, M.A., RN – Board President, FNYSN; President of Bellevue Alumnae Center for Nursing; Board Liason
  • Rev. Stewart Pattison, MDIV – Pastor, Hamilton Presbyterian Church; Historian
  • Kathy Sheehan, MLS – Rensselaer County and Troy City Historian
  • Mary Liz Stewart, RN – Co-Founder of the Underground Railroad History Conference Capital District; Nurse; Historian; Educator


Staff Support to the Council

  • Deborah Elliott, MBA, BSN, RN – Executive Director
  • Kennedee Blanchard, BA – Communications Manager