Rules Governing Use of Archival Records


  1. Researchers are granted access to all finding aids and published materials and to all holdings which are not restricted by law, regulation or depository agreement. These restrictions are noted in the finding aids.  At the discretion of the archivist/archives coordinator, access may also be restricted to materials which invade the privacy of living persons, contain libelous or defamatory statements or allegations, are unprocessed or are in fragile or poor condition.  In these cases, restrictions are regularly reviewed, and measures are taken where possible to make records available for use as soon as possible.
  2. All archival materials must be used under supervision in the Research Library or designated research space unless prior arrangements have been made. Coats are to left in the coat room.  Briefcases, bags, computer cases, and backpacks should be checked with staff and secured in a provided space.  No materials may be removed from these areas.  No ink pens are permitted.  The number of materials examined at one time may be limited.
  3. The original order of the materials and folders must be maintained. Staff should be promptly notified of any apparent disarrangement.  Researchers are requested to use only one folder from a box at a time.  Materials may not be folded, written on or handled in any way to cause damage.
  4. The use of any pen is prohibited. Pencils are available for researchers to use if needed.  Paper, pencils, laptops or tablet devices may be used to take notes.
  5. Smoking, drinking or eating are not allowed in any research areas.
  6. All photocopying of materials will be done by staff at the established charge ($0.15/copy). Single copies are made for the researcher’s personal reference only.  Copies of records are not to be sold or further reproduced or published without permission of the archives or the copyright holder (if applicable).  Markers for identifying materials to be copied with be provided upon request.  The number of copies made at any one time may be limited because of the limitation of staff or facilities.
  7. Quotation of a text of archival materials and all references to archival materials must include the proper citation identifying the records and acknowledging the archives. Examples of approved citations are available upon request.  [See FAQ on the Bellevue Alumnae Center for Nursing History website’s page].  The electronic finding aids also carry “Preferred Citation” wording.
  8. The researcher must obtain prior permission from the archives. Permission to publish or further reproduce material is granted for a special purpose or occasion and does not convey or transfer copyright of the original material to the requester.
  9. Publishers and authors are encouraged to deposit a copy of any publication based upon or using the archive’s holdings in the Bellevue Alumnae Center for Nursing History’s Archive reference collection.
  10. All rules are subject to specific restrictions and conditions set forth in depositor agreements.
  11. Requests for permission to examine any records in connection with cases of law or legal proceedings of any kind will be referred to the Center for Nursing’s legal counsel and, if indicated, legal counsel of the donor organization.



Access Policy


The archival and manuscript collections maintained by the CNH are a rich historical resource, particularly for the study of the contributions of New York nurses, the development of the nursing profession, healthcare and women’s issues.  Individuals are invited to direct research questions to the archivist at the CNH.  Reference services are provided without favor or prejudice.  Privileged or exclusive use of materials is not granted unless required by law or depositor condition.  Permission to examine archival materials is granted to qualified researchers upon agreement to abide by the Rules Governing the Use of Archival Records.  These rules are established to protect the Center and its holdings and apply equally to all users subject to depositor agreements.  The Archivist reserves the right to enforce these regulations and to refuse or revoke access to researchers who refuse to fail to comply with them.  Refusal may be based on the condition of object or collection, fragility or donor restrictions.



Collecting Policy


This collecting policy is based on the mission of the CNH’s mission to acquire, preserve, and make available for research and public dissemination the history of nursing in New York State and on the commitment to reduce duplication of effort and competition among agencies by encouraging the full utilization of new and existing local and regional repositories whenever possible.

In January 1987, NYSNA designated the Foundation of NYS Nurses Association, Inc., now known as the Center for Nursing at the Foundation of New York State Nurses, Inc., as the repository and curator of its archives.  These records, together with the Foundation’s own archives, constituted the collecting priority.  Records are designated as archival according to established records management and archival best practices.  Records of other nursing organizations, groups, schools/colleges of nursing, and individuals are accepted based on the contribution of such records to the understanding of the profession and as resources allow.

Additional materials documenting the profession of nursing in New York State may be collected when a more appropriate repository cannot be located, or as part of an overall documentation strategy.  Records “at risk” – threatened by imminent destruction or loss – are given priority.  Such materials may include, but are not limited to, archival records of schools of nursing, visiting nurses associations, hospitals, and other employers of nurses, manuscript collections of the personal papers of individual nurses, and oral histories.

As a general rule, the Center for Nursing’s archives program collects originals of records and papers if they contain documentation of nursing not already contained in the Center for Nursing’s archives, and are in danger of loss or destruction because no other institution will assume responsibility for them.  Resources permitting, materials needed to supplement existing collections will be purchased as needed to facilitate research.


Artifacts and memorabilia are collected only if such materials are integral components of documentation of professional nursing in New York State, are integral components of accepted archives or manuscripts collections, and/or are in danger of loss or destruction or will be better utilized if retained by the CNH’s archives program.

Rare Books and Pamphlets

Rare books and pamphlets (above and beyond ones in the existing collections) documenting professional nursing in New York State are collected primarily to support the Foundation’s role as a research center, making available materials which cannot easily be attained elsewhere.  Collection of these materials is subject to available resources.



Lending Policy


CNH’s archival materials may be borrowed for exhibitions, displays, programs or classroom use.  The Director of History and Education or the Archivist must give approval for loans and exhibit areas must meet environmental and security standards.  Loans will be approved only between the CNH and other institutions (academic, historical, etc.)  Objects may not be loaned if in the opinion of professional staff, there exists unreasonable risk to the safety of the loan material or if they are of such importance, rarity, or fragility that they must not be exposed to the danger of loss, damage or deterioration by removal from the archives. The borrowing institution is responsible for objects or manuscripts loaned while in transit and while at the borrowing institution. The Center may require that loans be accompanied by a staff member and that mounting, dismounting, and packing be done under the supervision of the staff member, at the borrower’s expense. No object may be altered, embellished or modified in any way.

The borrower must ensure objects door-to-door and furnish the Center with a copy of the insurance policy and a certificate of such insurance.

Adequate recognition should be given in labels (not attached to the objects), news releases, and publications to “Bellevue Alumnae Center for Nursing History Archive at the Center for Nursing, Guilderland, New York” as the lender of the objects used in the exhibition.

The Center may require a loan fee roughly commensurate with the cost to the Center of preparing and providing materials from its collections for the loan. In each case, the fee shall be part of the loan agreement.

Items being loaned will be inventoried and a copy of the inventory will be filed with the signed Loan Agreement.



Citing Material from the Bellevue Alumnae Center for Nursing History


When citing materials from the CNH Archive, use the following format:

  1. Title or description of the document, including author, recipient or audience, date, and (for reports) formal title
  2. Name of the collection and MC number
  3. Box and Folder numbers
  4. Bellevue Alumnae Center for Nursing History Archive at the Center for Nursing, Guilderland, NY.


Society of the Bellevue Training School for Nurses. (1903, January 1). Thirtieth Annual Report of the Society of the Bellevue Training School for Nurses attached Bellevue Hospital [Report]. New York, NY: Rohde & Haskins. Bellevue Alumnae Association Collection, (MC19, BAA, Series 4, Box 5, Folder 1900-1909), Bellevue Alumnae Center for Nursing History Archive at the Center for Nursing, Guilderland, NY.



Permission to Reprint: Guidelines and Request Form


  1. All content published by Center for Nursing at the Foundation of New York State Nurses, Inc., is the property of the Center and may not be reprinted, copied, or otherwise duplicated or reproduced without prior written permission from the Center.
  2. Granted permission to reprint, copy or otherwise duplicate or reproduce any Center materials is made on a one-time only basis for publishing purposes in print, audio, or visual media.  Additional reprint/reproduction needs must be approved by the Center.
  3. The CNH must be credited for any content that is reproduced/reprinted using the format provided by the Center.
  4. To request permission to photocopy, print, republish or blog post material from Foundation publications, please click here!


You may email or mail your request to:

CNH Archivist

Center for Nursing at the Foundation of NYS Nurses, Inc.

2113 Western Ave. Guilderland, NY 12084

Email: [email protected] 

Phone: 518.456.7858, ext. 129