The Foundation’s Center for Nursing History was established in 1988 to ensure that the magnificent history of the nursing profession in New York State is preserved and understood.  In 2000, the Center was renamed the “Bellevue Alumnae Center for Nursing History” in recognition of the Bellevue Alumnae Association’s completion of a one million dollar endowment drive for the Center for Nursing History.


As a component of this discipline history center, the archives program preserves and makes available for public use archival records and manuscript collections which document nursing in New York State. The Archives program is committed to:


  • Appraising, collecting, arranging, describing, preserving, and making available the archival records of selected nursing organizations;
  • Serving as a repository of last resort for other professional nursing records of enduring value in New York;
  • Providing adequate facilities for the retention, processing, preservation, and research use of these records;
  • Assisting in the development and implementation of a documentation strategy to chronicle the history of professional nursing in New York;
  • Providing consultation to groups and individuals on the preservation of records which document the nursing profession in New York;
  • Promoting the use of archival records and manuscript collections in the scholarly study of nursing and health in society.
  • Facilitating efficient management of the recorded information produced by the Foundation’s units and offices.