The Rona F. Levin * Evidence-Based Practice Award is given biennially, in odd years, to an individual or organization using research-based evidence to make a practice change that results in a demonstrated improvement in outcomes for the patient and family, staff, community, and/or organization. (Note: current members of the Cathryne A. Welch Center for Nursing Research and Research Fellows are ineligible to be nominated or to participate in the nomination process).


Eligibility Criteria:

  • One of the leaders of the evidence-based practice (EBP) project must be a registered nurse.
  • The evidence-based practice project that is the basis for submission must have been completed within the past two years or completed within the past five years with a re-evaluation of outcomes within the past two years.
  • Institutions which have won the EBP or Clinical Practice Improvement Award in the past three years are not eligible.


Individuals or Groups will be expected to describe their project as follows: 

  • Describe the practice problem or issue including available relevant internal evidence (data).
  • State the focused practice question.
  • Describe the process used to search for evidence to answer the practice question.
  • Critically appraise and synthesize the evidence; include a table of evidence.
  • Include the practice recommendations for implementation.
  • Describe the protocol for the evidence-based practice change (Append the full protocol, such as a hospital policy, to the nomination packet).
  • Describe the methods for implementing the protocol.
  • Describe the methods for evaluating the effectiveness of the change, including any instruments that were used to monitor processes or measure outcomes (Append the instruments to the nomination packet).
  • Present the results of the evaluation of the practice change (including findings, interpretation of findings, and recommendations based upon findings). What are the measurable benefits to patients/families/nurses/community?
  • Describe the sustainability of the practice change. What is the length of time it’s been in place? What demonstrates that the change is likely to become, or has become institutionalized?


* Rona F. Levin, PhD, RN is a longtime mentor and educator with the Center for Nursing Research (CNR) and is best known for her expertise in research and Evidence-Based Practice (EBP). Her passion has inspired many professional nurses to realize the importance of incorporating best practices and EBP into their practice. Dr. Levin is a distinguished professor who has held prestigious positions as Director of the NYU Rory Meyers DNP Program, Director of the Division of Nursing and Division of Health Sciences at Felician College, where she was instrumental in developing their first graduate program, and Chair of the Department of Graduate Studies at Lienhard School of Nursing at Pace University. Dr. Levin’s generosity of her time and talents, as well as significant monetary donations to the CNR, confirms her dedication to expanding the professional knowledge of others.


Click here to download the Rona F. Levin EBP Award



Past Awardees:



2017 – Northern Westchester Hospital
Fay Wright
Lauraine Spans-Szekely
Anne Winkler

Susana Delamedia


2015 – NYU School of Nursing and Visiting Nurse Service of NY Hospice and Palliative Care Team
Meghan R. Madonna, DNP, RN, FNP-C, CPN
Bernard A. Newland, DNP, RN, GNP-BC
Bonnie Lauder, BSN, MIS, CHPHQ

2011 – Northern Westchester Hospital-Project Team
Kathy Pecoraro, BSN, RN, CAPA
Wendy Kopec, RN, CNOR
Fay Wright, MS, RN, ACNP-BC

2010 – Northern Westchester Hospital
Maureen Comiskey, RN
Alicia D’Arcy, RN
Barbara Misiano, RN