The Noah Tubbs Family Trust Nursing Research Grant is given annually to a qualified registered nurse pursuing nurse research. Special consideration will be given to nurses pursuing research in the field of geriatrics. The funding for this grant is made possible by the Noah Tubbs Family Trust Fund bestowed upon the Center for Nursing at the Foundation of New York State Nurses, Inc. by Adelaide Margaret Tubbs in honor of Noah Tubbs, Lillian Tubbs, Noah T. Tubbs, Jr., Lillian Augusta T. Roauer, Pearl Clementine Tubbs and Adelaide Margaret Tubbs. These funds are given in memory of Mildred Montag, professor and visionary, and Ida MacDonald of Syracuse University, advisor, professor, and friend of Adelaide M. Tubbs.


Eligibility Criteria:

  • Reside in and/or practice professional nursing in New York State;
  • Have a baccalaureate or higher degree in nursing from a nursing program accredited by the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN) or the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE);
  • Licensed as a registered professional nurse in New York State;
  • Approved awardees may apply for one subsequent grant. Applicants who are denied are eligible to reapply for a subsequent year.


Noah Tubbs Family Trust Nursing Research Grant Application



Current Grant Recipient

To Be Announced




Past Grant Recipients

2022 -Dillon Dzikowicz

2018 – Natina Reed, MSN, RNC, AGNP-BC