Center for Nursing Research
The following abstract format is required by the journal, Worldviews on Evidence-Based Nursing: Linking Evidence to Action, and therefore recommended for use by those submitting works to the e-repository. Please limit your abstract to 350 words or less.
Here is a sample of how to abstract a performance improvement project, courtesy of Rona F. Levin, PhD, RN.
Background: Propofol, a drug that was originally approved as a short acting anesthetic, began to be used to keep patients on ventilators sedated. Nurses in one community hospital noted that when patients received a propofol infusion for more than three days, they were not emerging from sedation as quickly as expected. When they did emerge, nurses noted profound muscle weakness. High triglyceride levels were also apparent in some patients. At the time of this project, the most relevant guideline (Jacobi et al., 2002) recommended both pain and sedation assessment in the monitoring of propofol sedation.
Aim: The purpose of this project was to decrease morbidity and length of stay of mechanically ventilated patients in the ICU who were receiving continuous propofol infusion.
Methods: The design included the collection of baseline data on outcome variables and post-implementation data on the same outcomes. Systematic search processes and critical appraisal of evidence were used to identify the highest level of evidence on which to choose instruments for measuring sedation and pain, and develop an evidence-based protocol for practice. Other relevant disciplines participated in protocol development. Small tests of change (PDSA cycles) were carried out to test the new tools for measuring sedation and pain levels first. Then the entire new protocol, new tools plus protocol for monitoring propofol use was tested. During each cycle both quantitative and qualitative data were reviewed to improve the process.
Results: Results demonstrated significant improvement in patient outcomes, system outcomes, and cost outcomes. Propofol use was decreased, fewer patients were discharged to rehabilitation centers and thus more to home. Length of stay in both ICU and hospital was decreased. Cost per ventilated ICU patient was also significantly decreased.
Conclusion: Development of an evidence-based protocol for administration of monitoring of propofol use in mechanically ventilated ICU patients improved patient outcomes and decreased cost for the hospital. This protocol became standard practice in the ICU. [Word count with headings = 315]