The NYS e-Repository for Nursing Scholarly Works© (e-repository) is an electronic directory of research (published and unpublished), evidence-based practice projects, and other quality improvement projects (such as poster presentations, dissertations, white papers, etc.) that have been done by nurses/nursing students living and/or working/attending school in New York State.

The three primary purposes of the e-repository include:

  1. To provide a centralized location for individuals to access information about research and related projects done by nurses/nursing students in NYS;
  2. To facilitate communication and collaboration among nurse researchers, health care agencies, academic institutions and direct care nurses engaged in research and/or evidence-based practice;
  3. To provide an avenue to highlight the research and related projects done by NYS nurses

As part of the Center for Nursing Research strategic plan, the e-repository was developed to recognize the effort of many nurses in New York State who are engaged in research, promote and improve the networking capacity of the sharing of information, and enable opportunities for mentoring and support for one another.  This resource will contain research studies as well as evidence-based practice (EBP) projects that will be searchable on the site providing the individual seeking information contact information for the author(s) as well as the citations for published work.


Eligibility Criteria:

  • Completed projects that have been vetted by an academic institution, healthcare facility or organization;
  • Relevant to nursing practice, the profession of nursing, the healthcare of the public and/or related arts and sciences;
  • Authored by at least one Registered Professional Nurse currently licensed in NYS or a nursing student currently enrolled in a NYS based school of nursing;
  • Authorization to post received from all authors on the project



  • Authors of research and related projects will need to complete a submission form;
  • Author(s) are responsible to obtain permission from their organization or institute before submitting works that were done as an employee; 
  • Projects that meet submission criteria and for which a submission form is complete, will be posted in the e-repository;
  • By submitting a project to be posted on the e-repository, the author(s) give permission for The Center for Nursing to post their work as submitted. Should an author desire at any time to have their work removed from the e-repository they may do so by submitting a request in writing to Executive Director, Deb Elliott at [email protected]
  • Primary author will be notified by email when their project has been posted;
  • Submissions not meeting required criteria will be returned for further information or revision;
  • Works in question will be referred to the Center for Nursing Research Editorial Committee for review and approval