The Capital District Nursing Research Alliance is comprised of academic and healthcare institutions that geographically reside in the area around Albany and extend into Southwestern Vermont. It was founded in 2004 to share resources to support nursing research, implement educational programs and foster evidence-based practice. In 2011, the Alliance received a recognition award from the Tau Kappa Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau International in the areas of Leadership and Research. Members meet monthly to share information, network, plan collaborative research activities and plan and implement educational conferences. The work of the Alliance is done in three committees: Education & Program, Communication, and Research.

Mission Statement

To facilitate the development and collaboration of nursing students, nurses and nursing scholars in healthcare organizations and academic institutions to conduct, utilize and disseminate research findings into evidence-based practice and health policy.



  • Create, nourish and sustain a collaborative culture for nursing research and evidence-based practice;
  • Facilitate the conduct and use of nursing research to support the practice;
  • Promote awareness of nurses as scholars and researchers and make visible their contributions to nursing, healthcare, and society