Center for Nursing Research
The Hudson Valley Nursing Collaborative to Advance Research and Evidence-Based Practice is designed to bring together area service and academic organizations with the conviction that sharing new knowledge and exchanging ideas will enrich and nurture the profession back to health and improve the image of nursing as a viable nursing profession for men and women in the 21st-century. The purpose of the Nursing Research Alliances is to facilitate collaboration between nursing students, nurses, and nursing scholars in health care organizations and academic institutions. The goal is to encourage collaboration to build nursing knowledge through scientific inquiry.
Mission Statement
To foster collaboration between academia and service to improve patient outcomes and advance nursing practice through evidence-based practice and nursing research (generated at the first meeting, March 19, 2008).
Goals & Objectives
- Collaborate between service and education to implement evidence-based practice/research into clinical practice/develop partnerships:
- Get professional manuscripts accepted by peer-reviewed journals by working with nursing faculty on clinical issues;
- Consider the development of regional nursing research Fellowship in which education develops the curriculum
- Create a culture that supports evidence-based practice to foster a learning environment that improves patient outcomes:
- Develop a protocol for organizations to implement evidence-based practice in a consistent, coherent manner;
- Develop research protocols to test the impact of practice on patient outcomes
- Develop public awareness of nurses as researchers and scholars:
- Get publications in popular literature and in popular Nursing literature;
- Provide education to enable an understanding of the Institutional Review Board (IRB) among members and promote nursing representation on organizational IRB’s
Co-Founders & Co-Chairs:
Chris Malmgreen-Wallen, RN-BC, MA, MS | Consultant & Instructor, Mercy College & CUNY
Paula Graham, DNP, RN | Director of Learning Resources, Cochran School of Nursing
Treasurer & Recording Secretary:
Karen Koziol, RN, MS | Director, Clinical Simulation & Adjunct Instructor, Mercy College