Picture of Joan Madden WilsonJoan Madden Wilson, MA, RN, President
President, Health Care Placement Services, Inc



Picture of Cecilia MulveyCecilia F. Mulvey, PhD, RN, Vice President
Professor Emerita, Syracuse University



Picture of Donna KirkerDonna J. Kirker, MS, RN, NEA-BC, Director-at-Large
Vice President, Patient Services & Chief Nursing Officer, Glens Falls Hospital




Picture of Mary FinninMary J. Finnin, MS, RN
Retired; Primary Care HIV/AIDS Nurse Coordinator, Suffolk County DOH



Picture of Yvonne JohnstonYvonne Johnston, DrPH, MPH, MS, RN, FNP, Secretary
Decker School of Nursing, Binghamton University



Picture of Frank MorraFrank Morra, MBA, Treasurer                                                                                                    Retired




Picture of Virgia Phoenix

Virgia B. Phoenix, MDIV                                                                                                                       Coordinator, Everly Cromwell Community Center




Picture of Barbara BonificioBarbara Bonificio, MSN, RN




Picture of Lee CarrLee A. Carr, RN                                                                                                                              Retired; Pre-Kindergarten Teacher, St. Gabriel School



Picture of Mary Joy Garcia-DiaMary Joy Garcia-Dia, DNP, RN, FAAN                                                                                          Program Director, Nursing Informatics, New York-Presbyterian



Picture of Linda MillenbachLinda Millenbach, PhD, RN
Nursing Faculty




Picture of Robert O'ConnellRobert O’Connell, MSW
Retired; U. S. Administration on Aging and NYS Office for the Aging




Picture of David TheobaldDavid Theobald, MS, RN, CSP                                                                                                            President & CEO, Davin Healthcare





Honorary Trustees

  • Eunice C. Baskett
  • Mary X. Britten
  • Catherine T. Foster
  • M. Janice Nelson
  • Patricia D. Perry
  • Richard G. Powers
  • Rona F. Levin



  • Ida O. Benderson
  • Carolyn L. Miller
  • Louise Pan
  • Laura L. Simms
  • Janet P. Mance