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New York State Action Coalition History, Purpose and Alignment to Campaign for Action

The Campaign for Action is a national campaign to transform health and healthcare through nursing. The Campaign for Action envisions a healthcare system where nurses contribute fully. The goals for the Campaign for Action are based on recommendations from the Institute of Medicine’s (now the National Academy of Medicine) Future of Nursing report.

The campaign is supported by the AARP Foundation, AARP, and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. New York is one of 51 states to launch an action coalition. The New York State action coalition to mobilize nurses, health providers, consumers, educators, and businesses to strengthen nursing on multiple fronts.

The Future of Nursing 2010 – 2020 Report

The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health report was published by the Institute of Medicine October 5, 2010. The report was the culmination of two years of research on how to transform the nursing profession. The goal of the report was to ensure that the public has access to safe, quality, and cost-effective health care. This report was designed for policy-makers, government officials, insurance companies, and the public – all of who have a vested interest to ensure quality, safe, and cost-effective health care. Many of the panel members were not nurses. These recommendations aim to create a patient-centered healthcare system that relies on research and the transformative power of nursing to improve health across the country.

The Future of Nursing 2020 – 2030 Report

The National Academy of Medicine on May 11, 2021, released, The Future of Nursing 2020-2030: Charting a Path to Achieve Health Equity. This report will influence the direction of nursing and health care for years to come, building upon the report from 2010..

The report identifies health disparities, rooted in centuries of injustice, will take the substantive societal change to solve. Achieving health equity will require rumination on responsibilities as nurses, nurse champions and contributing members of society, leading to action.

Read the full report here The Future of Nursing 2020-2030: Charting a Path to Achieve Health Equity

New York State Action Coalition carries out the work of the Campaign at the local, regional, and state levels. Our NYS Action Coalition extends beyond nursing and health care and includes organizations from various sectors, working together to build health equity in New York.


The Institute of Medicine (IOM) releases The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health.

AARP Foundation, AARP, and RWJF create the Future of Nursing: Campaign for Action to implement the IOM’s recommendations. New York one of five coalitions began implementing the Future of Nursing recommendations.



Initiation of the Academic Progression in Nursing (APIN) grant, administered by the foundation of  NYS Nurses.   Replicated the Dual Degree Nursing Partnership (DDPN) throughout New York State utilizing a 1+2+1 shared curriculum. Goals were to 1)  increase the number of baccalaureate prepared nurses in NYS, and 2) increase the diversity of historically underrepresented groups in nursing completing the BS degree in nursing.

The number of nurses graduating with a BSN increased.

NYSAC’s first year hosting a booth at the Great NYS Fair in Syracuse in an effort to share information with the public about was they can improve their own health and role of nursing in improving the health of communities.


The number of nurses with doctoral degrees increased.

APIN grant continued

NYSAC booth at the Great NYS Fair


AARP and RWJF establish the Nurses on Boards Coalition (NOBC), with the goal of improving the health of communities and the nation by getting 10,000 nurses on boards by 2020.

Seven (7) regional NYS action coalitions formed

New York State makes substantial improvements to its scope of practice laws for nurse practitioners.

New York launched the Diversity Subcommittee.

Nurse Practitioner modernization act passes.

APIN grant continued

NYSAC booth at the Great NYS Fair


The campaign added the role nurses play in building a Culture of Health

New York Action coalition restricted to become a full volunteer organization.

NYSAC booth at the Great NYS Fair

NYSAC Summit:  Academic Progression in Nursing


APIN grant completed. Twelve BSN programs and Sixteen AD programs participated and continue to offer the 1+2+1 RN to BSN program.  Several other similar RN to BSN programs have been instituted across NY since 2012.

NYSAC booth at the Great NYS Fair

NYS Diversity and Inclusion Nursing Tool Kit established


BSN in 10 legislation passes.

NYSAC booth at the Great NYS Fair

NYSAC Summit:  Influential, Industrious and Inclusive…. Nurses Matter in  Improving the Health of the Public


NYSAC booth at the Great NYS Fair

NYSAC Summit:  Caring Science:  Nurses as Champions for Healthy Communities


Last year NYSAC had a booth at the Great NYS Fair

NYSAC Summit:  Building Healthier Communities through Nursing


NYSAC Launches a Face Mask Campaign:  Wear One, Share One, Spare One


The National Academy of Medicine (NAM) releases the future of nursing 2020-2030 report, The Future of Nursing 2020-2030: Charting a Path to Achieve Health Equity, a blueprint for the nursing profession to help improve health equity and reduce health disparities for the next decade.

Held three-part NYSAC Summit.

Held First Increasing Diversity I Nursing Virtual Conference


New York fully modernize scope of practice laws for nurse practitioners.


In collaboration with George Washington and Organization and the Organization of Associate Degree Programs received the Health Equity Grant.

Held second Increasing Diversity I Nursing Virtual Conference