Register Now for NYSAC’s Virtual Conference, 2024


Join the New York State Action Coalition (NYSAC) on Thursday, January 25th, 2023, from 6-9 pm EST for their virtual conference, Journey to Health Equity: Creating a Diverse Nursing Workforce. The conference’s goals are to promote diversity and inclusion, along with higlighting ways to advance health equity within the nursing profession. Click to register, and to view our 2024 sponsor letter.

Register Now for NYSAC’s Virtual Conference


Join the New York State Action Coalition (NYSAC) on Thursday, January 26, 2023, from 5-9 pm EST for their virtual conference, Building Guardrails to Success: Increasing Diversity in Nursing. The conference’s goals are to promote the profession of nursing in communities of color, mitigate the long-standing barriers that disproportionately impact students in these demographic groups, and highlight the importance of representation in the nursing profession while providing resources for student nurses and faculty. Register at

Dr. Brenda Robinson Advocates to End Racism in Health Care


Brenda Robinson, DNP, MSN, RN, one of the speakers at the 10th Annual New York State Action Coalition Future of Nursing Summit, has spent her life and career advocating to end racism in health care. She is the founder and CEO of the Black Nurses Coalition, an organization that aims to eliminate racial disparities in health care and increase the number of people of color working in the health care field. You can learn more about Dr. Robinson and her organization in this article from the Times Union.

The Future of Nursing 2020-2030 Report


To extend the path for the future of nursing into 2030, an expert committee has evaluated previous literature and new information from the COVID-19 pandemic to better understand the dramatic changes the industry is currently undergoing and the challenges it will likely face in the future.

The Future of Nursing 2020-2030: Charting a Path to Achieve Health Equity explores how nurses can work over the next decade to reduce health disparities and promote equity, while keeping costs at bay, utilizing technology, and maintaining patient and family-focused care.

To learn more, watch the report release webinar!

Future of Nursing: Campaign for Action 2021 Summit


Join the Future of Nursing: Campaign for Action, an initiative of the AARP Foundation, AARP, and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, for a special virtual event, The Future of Nursing: Passion, Purpose, and Progress on Wednesday, February 24, 2021, from 2–5 pm ET to honor the contributions made by nurses during these extraordinary times, recognize a decade of nursing progress, and prepare for the National Academy of Medicine’s (NAM) second Future of Nursing report expected in May 2021.  For more information and to register for the event, click here!!!

Last Public Session of the Committee on the Future of Nursing 2020-2030


The Committee on the Future of Nursing 2020-2030 will be holding its last public session online on Wednesday, November 20, 2019, from 9 am to 12 pm.  The purpose of this session is for the committee to gather information and to gain greater technical understanding through a panel and discussion with health care industry leaders about how their organizations or members prioritize efforts to promote health equity into delivery and care models.  Following the panel, Lori Melichar, Senior Director – Program, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, will present and discuss future trends in healthcare, and implications for nurses and nursing practice and education.

Although there will not be time for public comments during this open session, everyone is encouraged to submit written comments and evidence to the committee by email at  To register for the webinar, please click here!!!

Future of Nursing 2020-2030 Town Hall Videos & Presentations


The Committee on the Future of Nursing 2020-2030 held three regional meetings to hear from people around the countryThe committee was interested in insights on how to advance the profession of nursing to help our nation create a culture of health, reduce health disparities, and improve the health and well-being of the U.S. population in the 21st century. Each meeting featured panel discussions around a specific topic, followed by time for public comments.

To watch the recorded videos and presentations from the speakers at the Chicago Town Hall on Education, Research, and Practice, please click here!!!

To watch the recorded videos and presentations from the speakers at the Philadelphia Town Hall on Payment and Care for Complex Health and Social Needs, please click here!!!

** To watch Maria MacPherson, RN, MPH, Deputy Director of the Central New York Regional Office of the New York State Department of Health and Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Public Health Nurse Leader, address the Committee in Philadelphia please click here!!!  Maria used the findings from the New York State Action Coalition’s (NYSAC) NYS Fair surveys to underpin the importance of considering the determinants of health in our workforce and in our communities.  Maria’s speech begins at the 6-minute mark.

To watch the recorded videos and presentations from the speakers at the Seattle Town Hall on High Tech to High Touch, please click here!!!


Keep the conversation going at #FutureofNursing2030

Future of Nursing 2020-2030 Public Session Video


The National Academy of Medicine (NAM) Future of Nursing 2030 report is underway! To watch the video of the public session that took place on March 20, 2019, and to learn more about the issues that will be discussed, please click here!!!

For more information about the study, please click here!

Activating Nursing to Address Unmet Needs in the 21st Century

The National Academy of Medicine (NAM) describes the background for the Future of Nursing 2020-2030 report. The report is divided into four sections. Part I describes the historical forces that defined two models of nursing – one with a holistic focus on patients, families, and communities in the context of social justice, and the other focused largely on support roles with a defined set of clinical tasks in the hospitals. Part II describes the current epidemiological situation and provides background for major contextual developments that may help reposition nursing. Part III focuses on nursing today and provides examples of the types of nurse-led, or nurse-involved models that have evidence of impact and are successfully spreading. Part IV concludes with an analysis of what it would take to activate nursing and scale up this holistic approach to addressing the unmet needs of the 21st century.

Click here to read about the contextual developments that led to this groundbreaking report.

Congratulations to Maria MacPherson & Carrie Rewakowski


Congratulations to Maria MacPherson, RN, MPH and Carrie Rewakowski, RN, BSN, PhD Candidate for their poster titled “Community Engagement: Work/Life Satisfaction, Healthy Lifestyles, and Balance: A Culture of Health Survey at the 2017 Great New York State Fair” being accepted for presentation at the Association of Public Health Nurses (APHN) conference in Atlanta on April 23-26, 2019.

For information about how you can participate in the Future of Nursing booth at the Great New York State Fair, please contact Maria at

Alliance of Nurses for Healthy Environments (ANHE) Environmental Health Nurse Fellowship


The Alliance of Nurses for Healthy Environments is launching an Environmental Health Nurse Fellowship program starting in June 2019! This opportunity is a great way to plug in at both the national and community level, gain skills and connections, take your career to the next level, and make a difference through helping to create a healthier environment. Applications are due March 31st.

This fellowship for nurses focuses on addressing environmental health in your community and is designed to:

  • Increase your capacity to assess and address environmental health issues
  • Focus on community-level impact
  • Address environmental justice
  • Advance health equity

Through mentored learning with a senior nurse, fellows are provided support and guidance throughout the program so that nurses with all levels of experience can learn and find value in participating in the program. While there is a small time commitment, the program is structured with flexibility built in to accommodate the fellows’ schedules. The one-year Fellowship also includes travel and accommodations to two national workshops on environmental health and nursing. There is a total of 30 Fellowships being offered. For further information please click here!!!

Public Session of the Committee on the Future of Nursing 2020-2030


The Committee on the Future of Nursing 2020-2030 will be holding a public session on Wednesday, March 20, 2019, from 1:30 PM to 4:00 PM ET, online and at the National Academy of Sciences building in Washington, DC.

This committee has been tasked by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation to extend the vision for the nursing profession into 2030 and to chart a path for the nursing profession to help our nation create a culture of health, reduce health disparities, and improve the health and well-being of the U.S. population in the 21st century.

Through the course of the study, the committee will meet several times. This public session is one of the many processes that the committee will use to gather information and assemble evidence that members will examine and discuss in the course of making the committee’s findings, conclusions, and recommendations. The focus of this public session is for the committee to clarify the scope of the charge with the study sponsor and initiate the process of gathering relevant information related to the study. Future public sessions will focus on specific topic areas and be conducted in other locations.

This public session will be accessible via webinar and in-person attendance (seating is limited).

Register Online by 12 pm ET on March 20, 2019, to receive an email with the instructions on how to join this public session.

For more information about the study please click here!

National Academy of Medicine’s Emerging Leaders Program – Call for Applications and Nominations


In 2016 the National Academy of Medicine (NAM) launched the National Academy of Medicine’s Emerging Leaders in Health and Medicine Program (the ELHM Program) to increase the NAM’s engagement with exceptional early- and mid-career professionals working in biomedical science, health, health care, health policy, and related fields. The ELHM Program facilitates opportunities for mentorship, collaboration, and innovation between the emerging leaders, NAM members, and experts across sectors. There are two components of the ELHM Program:

  1. NAM Emerging Leaders in Health and Medicine Scholars (ELHM Scholars) and
  2. NAM Emerging Leaders Forum

They ask for assistance in encouraging exceptional individuals to apply for the EHLM Scholars (call for applications open to the public) and in nominating individuals to participate in the 2019 Emerging Leaders Forum (only NAM members and ELHM Scholars may nominate) before February 1, 2019. Descriptions and links to the application and nomination web pages are included below.


NAM Emerging Leaders in Health and Medicine Scholars:

Call for Applications (open to the public)


Each year, up to 10 early- and mid-career professionals with demonstrated leadership and exceptional professional achievement in biomedical science, population health, health care, and related fields are selected to serve 3-year terms as ELHM Scholars. While continuing to work at their primary institution, the ELHM Scholars will participate in certain NAM activities, exchange ideas with each other and field leaders across sectors and disciplines, receive mentoring from NAM members, and help shape the ELHM Program.

ELHM Scholars are expected to attend two Council meetings and the NAM Annual Meeting, as well as plan and execute the annual Emerging Leaders Forum (see below). Additionally, as noted above, ELHM Scholars will have the opportunity to contribute to various NAM and/or Academies’ activities (e.g., planning committees, workshops, consensus studies, roundtables, or NAM Perspectives). No stipend is provided, but approved domestic travel expenses are covered.

Selection is based on the nominee’s record of accomplishment and potential to improve health and medicine. In addition, the committee will consider:

  • Professional accomplishments, including (but not limited to) research, publication, innovation, patents, etc.
  • Demonstrated creativity and leadership to improve health and medicine
  • Expertise in an area of relevance to health and medicine
  • Strength of recommendations

Please encourage exceptional early- and mid-career colleagues to apply for the 2019 ELHM class.  Applications are due by 5:00 p.m. on February 1, 2019, and must be submitted electronically through the online application system at  Additional details about the ELHM Scholars application process and materials, as well as eligibility and selection criteria, are provided on the application website.


NAM Emerging Leaders Forum:

Call for Nominations to Participate (only NAM member may nominate)


The Emerging Leaders Forum is an annual assembly of outstanding early- and mid-career professionals with exceptional professional promise, achievement, and leadership in biomedical science, health, health care, and related fields. Invited attendees will explore some of the most pressing challenges in health and medicine, with the aim of considering and stimulating collaborative interdisciplinary solutions. This year, the Emerging Leaders Forum will be held on April 11-12, 2019, in Washington, DC.

The Emerging Leaders Forum is an invitation-only event and includes both formal panel sessions (Day 1) and interactive breakout groups (Day 2). This year, feature panel topics include:

  • Social Determinants of Health
  • Accelerating Therapeutics Breakthroughs
  • Women’s Health and Access to Clinical Care
  • New Directions and Barriers in Cancer Care
  • Comparative Effectiveness Research
  • Applying Successes in Global Health to the Developed World
  • Big Data in Medicine
  • Advancing Healthy Living and Longevity
  • Improving Behavioral and Mental Health

Selection of participants will be based on a variety of factors, including nomination by a NAM member, demonstrated field leadership, the need for diverse perspectives, and expertise relevant to the selected panel topics.

Only NAM members and current ELHM Scholars are allowed to nominate individuals for consideration by completing this Forum Survey by 5:00 p.m. on February 1, 2019. These individuals may come from your own institution or from another institution. You may also suggest possible topics for future Emerging Leader Forums.

Both the ELHM Scholars and the Emerging Leaders Forum offer exciting opportunities for you and the NAM to engage with the next generation of the most promising and forward-thinking leaders in health and medicine.

‘Forget About the Stigma’: Male Nurses Explain Why Nursing is a Job of the Future for Men


Great article in the New York Times from the male perspective on why nursing is a job of the future for men. To read the article, click here!!!

RWJF’s Leadership Development Programs


Applications are now open for four of RWJF’s leadership development programs. These programs are helping build the leaders of tomorrow—leaders who share a commitment to ensuring everyone has the opportunity to live the healthiest life possible.

RWJF’s leadership development programs are designed to help you advance your leadership skills, and connect you with other innovators to advance big ideas and solutions.

  • Culture of Health Leaders: for people from all sectors—from leaders in technology and business to architects and urban planners.
  • Clinical Scholars: for clinicians from all disciplines, from occupational therapists and pharmacists to dentists and nurses.
  • Health Policy Research Scholars: for second-year doctoral students from all fields of study—from economics and political science to epidemiology and behavioral science.
  • Interdisciplinary Research Leaders: for researchers and community partners (e.g., organizers, advocates, leaders), particularly those working in rural health.

Participants in the programs will:

  • Receive high-caliber curriculum and coaching from national leaders.
  • Collaborate with other cutting-edge thinkers to create greater impact.
  • Accelerate their ability to build healthy communities, inform public opinion and policy, and contribute significantly to building a Culture of Health.
  • Receive funding to support their participation.

Participants work and learn from their home communities and would not need to relocate. Plus, the program is designed for people working or pursuing research full-time.

Are you ready to take a bold step forward and join us in building a Culture of Health? Start your application today!

If you are not sure which program is right for you, explore the Program Finder to learn more about all four programs.

BS in 10 Press Release from ANA-NY & NYONEL


Congratulations to New York for taking the lead in the nation requiring all future RN’s to obtain a BS degree in nursing within 10 years of licensure.  This new law recognizes the worth of graduates from associate degree nursing programs and appreciates the faculty of those programs in preparing safe nurses, but it also acknowledges that more education makes a difference in the lives of the patients and clients who we serve. Click here to read the press release from ANA-NY and NYONEL.

Increasing Public Health Nursing


This article, recently published in Nursing Outlook, discusses increasing the capacity of public health nursing to strengthen the public health infrastructure and to promote and protect the health of communities and population.

New York is a leader in the Nation with the BS in 10 Law


Congratulations to New York for taking the lead in the nation requiring all future RN’s to obtain a BS degree in nursing within 10 years of licensure. This new law recognizes the worth of graduates from associate degree nursing programs and appreciates the faculty of those programs in preparing safe nurses, but it also acknowledges that more education makes a difference in the lives of the patients and clients who we serve. All currently licensed RN’s and all current nursing students are not required by law to obtain a BS in nursing, however, we strongly suggest all RN’s practice at the baccalaureate education level. Thank you to our nurse leaders, legislators, and Governor Cuomo for realizing the importance of such a law to the health of New Yorkers!

A Profile of New York State Nurse Practitioners


The Center for Health Workforce Studies (CHWS) has released a report depicting the demographics, education preparation and practice settings of Nurse Practitioners in New York State. Click here to view the report.

Please take a survey about nurses on boards!!


A key recommendation of the Institute of Medicine’s (IOM) landmark report, The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health, is for the nursing profession to “produce leaders throughout the health care system, from bedside to boardroom, who can serve as full partners with other health professionals and be accountable for their own contributions to delivering high-quality care while working collaboratively with leaders from other health professions”.

Boards are defined as “entities and positions that have a strategic influence to improve the health of communities and the nation”. These include corporate/industry boards, insurance company boards, hospital or health system boards, philanthropic boards, advisory boards, commissions, task forces, leadership-appointed boards (positions appointed by the President, governor, mayor, or state legislature), citizen-elected boards (i.e. school boards), and non-profit/non-nursing boards.

Please take 5 minutes to complete this brief survey for the NYS Action Coalition and share it with your nursing colleagues. The purpose of this survey is to:

1. Gather regional information about the presence of nurses on boards currently
2. Identify areas in need of nurse succession planning
3. Identify potential regional opportunities for nurses on boards
4. Identify the global challenges associated with participation on boards

New York State’s Nurse Practitioner Modernization Act is here!


We have recently learned of these two significant appointments which bode very well for our beloved profession and health care:

Barbara Zittel – appointed to the 15 member Steering Committee of ANA’s Professional Issues Panel Barriers to RN Scope of Practice. The Steering Committee will identify and clarify barriers to RNs practicing to the full extent of their education, experience, and scope of practice (as set down by the relevant Nurse Practice Act) and guide the development of resources to address these barriers at institutional, state and federal levels. The Steering Committee will begin its deliberations in early January with a goal of completing its work in 6 to 9 months. We all know of Barbara’s extraordinary expertise and dedication. She will be a most valuable member of this Committee.

Sally Dreslin – appointed as Executive Deputy Commissioner, NYS Department of Health. Sally was previously a member of the New York State Nurses Association’s Governmental Affairs staff and, subsequently a member of Governor Cuomo’s staff. She is extremely knowledgeable and articulate about nursing’s pivotal role in health care and changes needed to enhance nursing’s role and contribution in health care. We are fortunate indeed that she is in this position.

Congratulations and thank you for your leadership, Barbara and Sally!

Our Nurses Week Communication to our Community


The focus of this communication was in regards to advancing nursing practice.  Two of our leaders, Dr. Diana Mason and Dr. Susan Apold, tell us what advancing nursing practice means to our population and health care system.