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Mary Finnin Obituary

It’s hard to describe Mary Finnin: she was a trailblazer. A force of nature. A ferocious storm of ambition with a heart as big as the outdoors. And to her nieces and nephews, she was Aunt Mary.

Headstrong and smart, in her 89 years Mary amassed a list of accomplishments and awards too numerous to list here. She earned a Master’s Degree in Nursing at the age of 24 and from there began a life of service that will be a legacy long after today.

She was a nationally recognized nursing leader who spent her entire life advocating for the health of the disadvantaged and underserved. She was involved in the nursing profession from Florida to Massachusetts and finally in NY. She served on the ANA board, the NYSNA board and the Foundation of NYS Nurses, Inc. board.  Mary served on the Central Islip board of education for six years and was President of the Brightside Civic Association for fifteen years. She won several awards for her nursing and public advocacy work.  The Center for Nursing created the Mary J. Finnin Grant for Innovation in Oncology in her honor. Mary will be missed by the nursing community and her friends and family.

In Lieu of flowers donations can be made in Mary’s name to the Foundation of NYS Nurses